Thursday, July 19, 2007

On Transformers and Transforming

Ok, so I deserve lashes or beatings or something for not posting in so long, but at least I beat Budget Naginata back to the list, so I'm holding that over her head. Look. There it is. Over her head. It's a petty victory, but I've always been a fan of Tom Petty.

In the interveining tiem since the last time I've posted, Naginata and I have explored one of the large exceptions to the rule of Budget Law. We have seen a movie. When we started the project back before the beginning of May, some 85 days ago (wow! 85!) we made one exception. There were several movies coming up that we knew we could not resist seeing. I suppose if our lives depended on it, or something of the like happened, we could resist it, but we thought that a good, ongoing reward would be the thrill of a summer blockbuster or two. To be truthful, since the project was taking a full year, we planned as far ahead as possible to any holiday movies as well. We tried to be as honest with ourselves as possible and limit it to movies that would have have the same audio/visual impact on DVD as it would in the theatre.

I'm sure I'm revealing a lot of personal information here, but between Naginata and I, we came up with three movies: Spider-Man 3, Transformers, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. After a slew of lackluster reviews, we actually dropped Spider-Man from the list, but as children of the 80s, we were honor-bound to sit through the Michael-Baytastic cinematic onslaught that was the live-action Transformers movie. I'm not reviewing here, but we were pleased enough to part with our $30 for the whole experience. The sum total includes tickets for Budget Naginata and myself, one bag of popcorn and one drink each. Yes, it was too much money, but we really had a great time and were able to go with a friend of ours, increasing the pleasure of the trip by a factor of fun<-not a statistical absolute, it had a small +/- variance of awesome.

So yes, we are breaking the rule for movies. Only three movies, an agreed upon sum by Naginata and I at the outset of this fiscal campaign. I was hoping that the sale of the hot tub would offset those expenses, but that is not really working out to be the case. I'll have to freelance something else to "make up" for it, but I'm not quite sure what that will be at this moment.

Some more "catching up" updates to come. This post is done.

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