Friday, April 27, 2007


So a lot of the comments that people give me when I tell them about my part in this project are in the vein of "you are trying to do too much at once" and to an extent I say, "well sort of". I'm one of those people who goes all in or not at all. I mean as long as I'm in a sort of privation mode, how about seeing how much I can eliminate at once? It's not like it's permanent. I can change the rules. Except the big one, no personal spending.

But if I want a diet coke or to stop exercising or to buy a damn pair of pants (second-hand!) that fits my no-ass instead of falling off, literally people...I had an incident in the kitchen Thursday was not my finest hour...then I can do those things. But why not try it? Let's see what happens ... when people stop being polite, and start getting real. Whoops! Sorry the early 90s came back in a flash. But seriously, it can't be any harder than doing things in dribs and drabs, for me at least.

On a weird and oddly related note, the universe seems to have heard our cry of "less stuff" and has interpreted it by flattening one of the Ronin's tires, and the spare (Thanks Universe!) AND having our TV blow a tube and catch on fire. And that's just this evening! ba da bump! How's THAT for turn off your TV week?? Luckily we have plenty of leeway in our transportation and another TV that we have been slacking on picking up (for free!) from a parent. But it did make for a bit of a disheartening day. Let's hope tomorrow is a little more kind to the traveling warriors.

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