Wednesday, May 2, 2007

5-01-07 boughten things...

Gas $31.06 (OMG. That's only 3/4 of a tank.)
$1 - juice box for my kid (the adorable Budget Edemame) at a (shudder) McDonald's so that she had a drink and we could use the bathroom without me feeling guilty. Damn if they haven't jacked all the prices up in there. A bottle of water was $1.35???? jeez.

So far so good. Any advice on avoiding the juice buying in the future? I am going to stock a small cooler in the car with stuff and I always appreciate tips. Goldfish and water are obvious. Anything you love that's shelf stable and not full of disgusting chemicals?


LotusKnits said...

I like that you're documenting what you bought every day, that's really smart and forces you to be accountable! Yay you!

Anonymous said...

The core of our car stash is unsalted pretzels (Utz sourdoughs, they're actually really good) and graham crackers. Water from home in Sigg bottles. If I've made cookies or anything I'll grab one as a bonus treat.

Can't help you with the bathroom part, though...