Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cheating Inside the Rules

Last night I, the Budget Ronin, required comfort food. Twenty odd days ago (wow... I almost can't believe it's been 20 days) I would have given in and would have had take-out or pizza delivered. Naginata, who is always very supportive, would have been right there with me and we would have enjoyed it until we suffered some sort of gastral distress.

Instead of that, I stopped on the way home from work at the local grocery store to find something for a fraction of the price. So here's the tale of the tape:

$7 for Sodas
$8 for Beer
$10 for Wine (you know, because I'll run out of Beer at some point)
$12 for Deli stuff (sandwich makings for the next couple of weeks)
$5 for icecream sandwiches
$6 for frozen pizza (this was the original target)
$5 for Chicken Broth
$3 for potatoes.

$57.52 for the total. Most of it was "decadent" and I didn't have coupons and bought name brand things. But all in all, we could have easily dropped this if we went out for a single night's dinner for the three of us, so I feel better knowing I ate my comfort food, have one backup pizza for later, and have lunch for the next week or so, depending on how high I pile my sandwich each morning.

That's all for now.

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